
Elevate Multimedia Interactivity. Simplify the integration of interactive transcripts into your media projects with CueSync.


CSS custom properties

Customize CueSync by modifying the CSS custom properties listed below.

Transcript container

PropertyDefault ValueDescription
--cs-container-bg#fffTranscript container background color
--cs-container-color#000Transcript container text color
--cs-container-padding-x5pxTranscript container padding left and right
--cs-container-padding-y5pxTranscript container padding top and bottom
--cs-container-border-width1pxTranscript container border width
--cs-container-border-stylesolidTranscript container border style
--cs-container-border-color#e9e9e9Transcript container border color
--cs-container-border-radius4pxTranscript container border radius


PropertyDefault ValueDescription
--cs-padding-x5pxTranscript padding left and right
--cs-padding-y5pxTranscript padding top and bottom
--cs-border-radius4pxTranscript border radius
--cs-hover-bg#e3e4e5Transcript hover background color
--cs-hover-color#000Transcript hover color
--cs-active-bg#9ec5feTranscript active background color
--cs-active-color#000Transcript active color
--cs-highlight-bgtransparentTranscript highlight background color
--cs-highlight-color#084298Transcript highlight color


PropertyDefault ValueDescription
--cs-time-bg#084298Timestamp background color
--cs-time-color#fffTimestamp color
--cs-time-border-radius4pxTimestamp border radius
--cs-time-widthautoTimestamp width
(Automatically adjusted to match the width of the longest timestamp.)

Javascript options

transcriptPathSets the transcript file path
mediaSepcifies the media element for transcript highlighting and interactive control
displayTimeIndicates whether the timestamp should be displayed or not

Javascript functions

getInstanceStatic method that enables you to obtain the CueSync instance associated with a DOM element.
getOrCreateInstanceStatic method that enables you to obtain the CueSync instance associated with a DOM element or create a new one if it hasn’t been initialized.
redrawTimeEnsures consistent timestamp element width in CueSync by recalculating dimensions when transcripts become visible.
refreshReconfigures a CueSync instance, useful in case it was not properly initialized during the first attempt.
disposeDestroys an element’s instance and removes stored data associated with the DOM element.

HTML attributes

HTML attributeJavascript equivalent optionDescription
data-cs-transcript-pathtranscriptPathSets the transcript file path
data-cs-display-timedisplayTimeIndicates whether the timestamp should be displayed or not